Marshanda, famous teenage artist and singer, wept in front of the camera to tell her blue childhood. Besides that, not only she danced wildly but also she berated his school mates. This is not a scene in a movie or a soap opera, but this is a real video that circulated widely in the internet last August. This is a picture of depression that hit the teenager nowadays. Marshanda’s labile act is only one example of the depression that struck the teen, Metro Jaya Police Department mentioned if they recorded 62 suicides in 2003 and some of them were teenager. This number increased three-fold than number of suicide cases in 2002. Therefore, we need to know more deeply about depression in teenagers and cause. There are at least three causes of teenage depression: biochemical factors, genetic factors and environmental factors.
The first factor that allegedly encourage depression in teenager is a biochemical imbalance that is a deficiency or excess of the neurotransmitter that responsible for mood. Mood neurotransmitters are neuropinefrin, dopamine, and serotonin. Careful composition of those biochemical create a normal behavior so deficiency or excess will lead to mood disorder that causes a sense of depression. Other research found that level of basal growth hormone is higher in depressed teenager than normal teenager. Meanwhile, research conducted by Dr. Ghanshyam Pandey and his team from the University of Illinois, Chicago, discovered a fact that the activity of Protein Kinase C (PKC) which is component of cell comunication in the brains of adolescents who committed suicide were lower than in the brains of teenagers who died were not for suicide. Thus, the above facts can be a basis for the hypothesis that the biochemical factor is one cause of depression.
In addition to biochemical factor, genetic factor responsible for causing depression in teenager. Some results of such studies in twins and families with a history of depression revealed that genetic factors influence the likelihood of depression. The possibility of identical twins suffering from depression when his/her twin get depression is 72%, while the possibility of depression in children whose parents have depression are increased four-fold before age 18 years. Similar results was also reported from the research conducted by Pricer (1968) and Bertelsen et al (1977). Unfortunately, these studies failed to reveal how genes which believed to be responsible for the symptoms of depression inherited.
Last factor is the environment factor. Unbalanced, incomplete or inappropriate social environment can lead to depression in children and adolescents such as losing a loved one. Relationship between object loss and melancholia was explained well by Freud in his theory. His theory stated if depresed patients tend to make him/herself as anger object for identifying the missing object. While Bibring explained that depression as an effect that can do something about the aggression that directed into him/herself. The study revealed that the following events or conditions increase the risk of depression in adolescent : parents with affective disorders, parents with divorced marital status, families with many children, physical or sexual violence and bullying by his/her school mates. These conditions can lead to insecure feeling, low self-esteem, lack of confidence and ultimately lead to depression.
In short, biochemical, genetic and environment factors responsible for causing depression in teenager. Negative adverse effects of depression in teens is not only demoralizing, no passion and decreased productivity but can lead to desperate acts such as suicide. Family, society and the state should pay special attention when found above factors in adolescents. For example, we can imitate prevention practices conducted by the Western countries by placing a special oversight for those diagnosed with acute depression.
2. Ola. 2008. Depresi Pada Remaja. Ola’s Site. (last accessed November, 23th 2009).
3. Anonim. 2009. Bunuh Diri di Kalangan Remaja, Pengaruh Depresi atau Sekedar Tren?. (last accesed November, 24th 2009).
4. Mahardika. 2007. Suasana Hati Pengaruhi Keinginan Bunuh Diri. Shvoong. (last accesed November, 24th 2009).
This is my English final exam
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